Liebster Award

Hi guys! I just recently found out I was nominated for the Liebster Award. I want to thank the oh-so-sweet Milan Darling for the nomination! The Liebster Award is all about discovering new blogs and learning more about the people behind those blogs. I thought this would be fun, so first, let me answer the questions I was asked to answer in this post:

1. What’s your favorite snapchat filter?
My favorite snapchat filter would have to be the one with the gold butterflies. It makes everyone looks flawless and it's just so fun! Honorable mention would have to be the dog filter (I'm basic, I know).

2. Are there any blogs/bloggers you look up to as inspiration for your blog?
YES! I love Emily from The Sweetest Thing and Caitlin from Southern Curls and Pearls!

3. Where is your favorite place in the entire world? (Whether you’ve been there or not!)
My favorite place in the whole world would have to be Disneyland. I've only been once, but it truly is the happiest place on Earth! I recently applied for the Disney Internship Program for spring 2017, so fingers crossed I get to spend an entire semester there!

4. What is one tip you have found most helpful as a blogger?
One tip I have found to be the most helpful would have to be the big stress on high quality photos. I have seen so many blogs with low quality photos and it really does take away from the outfits.

5. Are you a dog or cat person?
Dog person, 100%! I have a 10 month old Goldendoodle named Finnegan.

6. What is your favorite thing to do after a long stressful day?
I love to watch movies! My favorite thing is to relax with a good film and some good takeout.

7. What is your all-time ultimate goal//biggest dream?
Okay honestly, I just really want to be a full time blogger. That is the ultimate goal! Oh, and maybe a big house, a hot husband, and a Range Rover too.

8. How did you decide you wanted to start blogging// What made you take the plunge?
I have always loved fashion, and with social media becoming such a major part of everyone's lives, I was noticing more and more bloggers pop up on places like Instagram. After looking at all of these blogs, I thought, "Hey! I could do that!" and started my very on blog! I have such a blast putting together posts and shooting different looks. I love it.

9. What are you doing when you’re not blogging?
I am not a full time blogger. I currently go to school full time at the University of New Mexico and work part time. In addition to that, I'm also an intern with CollegeFashionista, and involved in PINK's campus rep team at UNM.

10. How do you stay motivated?
This is a bit funny, but my biggest motivator is stress. When i've got a lot to do and i'm stressed out about it, all I want to do is get that thing done. The house, husband, and Range are also big motivators. Oh, and the fact that I love fashion and I would love to be able to afford all of the designer handbags I want. LOL!

11. Is there any type of message that you are tying to send with your blog?
90% of the things I blog about are very affordable. I like to blog about affordable things to show people that they can have cute outfits without spending a lot of money. I want girls who like fashion but don't have a whole lot of money to know that they can still have a closet full of trendy pieces!


1. Veronica from The Little Fashionista
2. Shelby from The Sweet Hot Mess
3. Maddy from Confetti Closet
4. Devon from Miss Retail Therapist
5. Dani from Danielle Alexandra


1. Thank and mention the blogger that has nominated you in your blog post.

2. Answer the questions the blogger tagged you to answer.

3. Nominate at least 5 other bloggers, but do not exceed 11.

4. List your questions and be sure to tell your nominated bloggers that you have nominated them.


1. What is your favorite blog / biggest inspiration?

2. How did you get into blogging?

3. Are you a cat or a dog person?

4. What is your ride or die handbag? (What handbag can you not live without?)

5. What is your favorite movie?

6. What is the best foundation you have ever used?

7. Would you rather wear only nude lips or only pink lips for the rest of your life?

8. What is your dream vacay?

9. What is your dream car?

10. If someone gave you $10,000 and you had to spend it on either clothes or traveling, 
which would you choose? Why?


And that's it! To the blogs I have nominated, you all have amazing blogs. Keep up the good work! I can't wait to see your posts. Just a heads up, the blogs you nominate don't necessarily need to be 'new' blogs because they could be 'new' to someone else! Thanks again to Milan Darling for the nomination. I had so much fun answering these questions and picking out different blogs to nominate!


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